Welcome to Hexie's Mercantile located nestled down in Hexie Hollow in the mountains of Somerset County Pennsylvania. Home to Hexiehollow Art Dolls, Hexeberg Candle Co. and Hexie's Body Essentials. Yes, all this from my fingertips. Just a few things to add to a day of kids, cooking, cleaning and everything else a lady, a mom, and a wife does!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Witches in Waiting

All summer long I thought of all the dolls I wanted to be making but felt guilty not spending all my time with my kiddos.  They grow so fast, summer slips away to quickly but I managed to squeeze a few moments of time inbetween everything else to make about 24 doll bodies, all slightly different in some way.  I can never do the same thing twice, I guess that is why I am not career driven in any way, I am a proud Pisces, I go with the flow. 

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